
Amendment in Ohio’s state budget supports children in crisis getting access to care without custody relinquishment

The Coalition and Ohio Families are so thankful for the support of Senators Hottinger, Dolan, Burke, Thomas, Hackett, Kunze, Antonio and others who listened to families stories of the incredible struggle and heartbreak of giving up custody to children services to access residential mental health treatment.

The Ohio Autism Insurance Coalition is a proud member of the Ohio Multi-System Youth Coalition that advocates for multi-system youth (MSY). MSY are children and teenagers with complex needs that cannot be met by a single state department. These children have two or more significant challenges, including physical or mental illness, drug or alcohol addiction, developmental disabilities or severe trauma. They are involved or at risk of becoming involved, with either or both children services or juvenile justice systems.


COLUMBUS – The Ohio Senate Finance Committee has passed Substitute HB 166, Ohio’s operating budget for the next biennium. The bill will go to the full senate before moving into conference committee with the Ohio House. The bill as amended seeks to end the practice of forcing parents of multi-system youth to surrender custody of their children for the sole purpose of gaining access to necessary services.  Read full press SHB 166 Press Release MSY June 2019  Ohio Multi-System Youth Coalition, June 20, 2019