
ASD families in 19 Ohio counties will now have access to the Autism Directive Benefit because five insurers stepped up!

“Five insurers reached an agreement with the Ohio Department of Insurance to sell individual health plans in 19 of 20 counties that otherwise would have had no 2018 offerings on the subsidized federal Health Insurance Marketplace (ACA/Obamacare).” per Columbus Business First

Only Paulding County in western Ohio still lacks an insurer on the exchange.

What is the autism directive? In 2013, Governor Kasich added into Ohio’s essential health benefits package in the ACA/Obamacare health insurance marketplace plans a specific treatment benefit for autism including speech, occupational therapy, and intensive treatments such as applied behavior analysis. Learn more Autism ACA Directive vs Autism Insurance Mandate

See full article by Carrie Ghose, Columbus Business First Bizjournal, July 31, 2017 Insurers agree to cover Ohio counties with no Obamacare plans