
Early Intervention ABA & Play Therapy Payment System Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The publicly funded Part C Early Intervention (EI) Program of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides evidenced-based interventions including ABA & Play Therapy to infants and toddlers with disabilities.

The Ohio Department of Development Disabilities is proposing to adopt new rule 5123:2-10-01 (Early Intervention Services – System of Payment).  The rule establishes a structure to pay for activities and expenses that are reasonable and necessary for implementing Ohio’s Early Intervention system for eligible children and their families.  House Bill 483 of the 131st General Assembly transferred responsibility for implementing the Early Intervention services program from the Ohio Department of Health to the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and charged the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities with adopting rules necessary to implement the program.

New 5123:2-10-01 with Appendix – To Be Adopted

Ohio’s EI Website:

Public Hearing Details

  • On May 17, 2017, a public hearing will begin at 10am regarding the payment/reimbursement system of the Early Intervention program. The hearing will take place in the Lobby Hearing Room of the Rhodes State Office Tower located at 30 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.  Below is the hearing notice.
  • (EI hearing is near the bottom of the page).